Current Issue

Vol. 14 No. 01 (2025): Jurnal Ilmiah Cano Ekonomos
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  1. Journal Title: Jurnal Ilmiah Cano Ekonomos 
  2. Initials: Cano
  3. Frequency: Twice a year ( January and Agustus)
  4. Print ISSN: 2301-9506
  5. Online ISSN: 2962-1038 
  6. Chief of Editor: Purwantoro, S.E, M.Si
  7. DOI:
  8. Publisher: Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Pasir Pengaraian

Cano Ekonomos Scientific Journal is a scientific journal published by Pasir Pengaraian University. The journal focuses on areas related to economics, humanities, science, and social sciences. In more detail, the journal covers the following topics:

  1. Economics, Econometrics, and Finance: The journal accepts articles related to economic theory and practice, econometrics, as well as issues related to finance and investment.
  2. Humanities: The journal also accepts articles from humanities fields, such as philosophy, history, language, and culture, that are relevant to economic and social issues.
  3. Science: The journal welcomes articles from science fields, such as mathematics, physics, and biology, that have applications or links to economics and social sciences.
  4. Social Science: The journal accepts articles from other social science disciplines, such as sociology, politics, law, psychology, and anthropology, that address issues related to economics and society.
  5. Decision Sciences, Operations Research, and Management: The journal also includes articles that address topics within the fields of decision science, operations research, and management, which are relevant to economic and business decision-making.

Cano Ekonomos Scientific Journal accepts articles in Indonesian and English. This journal has an ISSN number 23019506 and EISSN 29621038, and DOI This journal can be accessed through the website

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